Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I was on Vacation, dammit!

I've eaten like total crap the last 6 days, and that includes a great deal of wine with dinner most every night, and my excuse is - I was on Vacation, dammit!

But at a time when my body is the heaviest it's ever been, there is a little guilt.  But only a little!

So we had Starbucks for breakfast nearly every day, and I had Kopp's custard for breakfast one morning, and again at lunch the same day... so what?  And so what if we went to a great Italian restaurant twice for dinner and had mushroom and cheese ravioli in a rich sauce, and dessert (Kopp's, of course)?  There was a salad with dinner so we did get some veggies.  That time anyhow.

Most days I slept late and only ate 2 meals instead of the usual 3, so that helps cancel out some of the not-so-good-for-me meals, right?

Yeah. Who am I fooling? This Friday morning I'm headed to the gym and will be working out and counting calories in the weeks and months to come. 

It's time for a change.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dancing at a Wedding

So my husband describes another girl as "gorgeous" and I'm totally jealous. I've never been gorgeous. Pretty, cute, maybe even beautiful on occasion, but never gorgeous.

Yeah. Not really feeling great about that, but can't talk about it because then I may come off as insecure and needy, and there's nothing more unattractive than that.