It's 2010 and I'm starting a Blog. Like, a real blog, one I plan to write on most every day, even if it's just a bunch of crap.
I know I'm a few days late as it's already the 5th of January (is it the 5th? I hope I have that right or I'm going to look like a dork) so I've missed January 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th, but I hope to make up for those 4 days in this one, all encompassing, January-so-far post.
January so far;
I've gained some weight over the holidays
I've worked both jobs
I've watched a lot of TV
That's about it. Aren't you impressed. See, I didn't end that with a question mark because it's not really a question, it's more rhetorical.
I think you see where this blog is going. It's going to be me more or less spewing forth whatever it is that comes into my head while I'm typing. Very stream of conciousness. See, last night I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, and I couldn't shut my brain off. This is typical, every night I lie in bed thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Everything from My Foot Itches to Wow, Whatever Happened to That Guy Jim I sort of Dated in Chicago? He had that hairstyle where it was shaved all around the sides and the back, and long on front. One of my friends called it The Exaggerated Penis style. I had that hairstyle myself once, before I'd heard it called that.
These thoughts stream by like that, stream of conciousness, get it? And they run right into another, just running by, barely connected, moving fast or slow, depending. Lots of times its more than thoughts, its memories, and I submerge myself in them, underwater in this stream of mine, and it's really quite delightful. Not like drowning at all. Like... I don't know. Like drowning if drowning was pleasant. Which I have heard it's not. I've actually heard it's one of the most unpleasant ways a person can die.
So welcome to my stream, my river, my torrential downpour. I hope you'll visit often. But if not that's ok because it's really more about the sharing and the chance for me to use big words and sound clever. It's better if I don't think anyone is reading this. Then there's no pressure. Because it's really freaking hard to be clever under pressure. At least for me.
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