Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I'm scary

Monday, February 22, 2010
A post about my dad

Friday, February 19, 2010
Daily Show clip
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Apparent Trap | ||||
http://www.thedailyshow.com/ | ||||
Jon Stewart rocks my socks.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thursday stuff

This is my friend Rhonda and I in the balloon. My hair is all flat because I'd been wearing a hat earlier but took it off in the heat of the fire keeping the balloon aloft. We had a great time and would definitely do it again. We got the deal from Groupon and I highly recommend you check out Groupon if you don't know about it already. It is the shiznit. And I thank Rhonda for this photo, she's awesome. And a good friend.
So my dad's in the hospital. I haven't posted about this because I don't think my mom is sharing this with people, but I want to "talk" about it.
He went in last Wednesday, so it's been more than a week now. He's had another stroke, it would seem, but getting medical info from him is difficult. He doesn't always know what he's talking about and tells me more about what he thinks is going on, than about what might really be going on.
But I do know this; He's got numbness (but not paralysis) all along his right side. It's sort of waxed and waned, but I don't think it's going away and next stop is a Rehab Center where they'll work with him to hopefully recover, however much that's possible.
He's got a small artery in his brain that is causing these mini-strokes he's been having, and the one he had that put him in the hospital last week, and the docs thought maybe there was a blood clot there and that if they could move it, the numbness would go away. Now they're saying there's no blood clot, it's just that the artery is slowly closing off because of plaque, and that there's nothing they can do.
So, as he says, he'll either get better, get worse, or stay the same. We're hoping for better of course, but I expect this will be what eventually does him in. My sister had initially said she thought they would do brain surgery if it seemed like all other options were exhausted, but right now it's too risky and the risks outweigh the benefits. When does that change, I wonder? When he's in a bed, immobile? Doesn't sound too good to me.
I'm sort of commpletely blah about the whole thing. I'm not sad, I'm not angry, I'm not really anything. I don't think I've quite processed what's happening. Mostly because he seems ok. Sure, he might not be able to walk for a bit because of the numbness, but therapy should help that and he can move, he's not paralyzed at all, and he can talk. Aside from the numbness, which I can't see, he seems like his normal self. I hope it stays that way.
I saw a shooting star on my way to visit him Tuesday night, and I made a wish.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Boo! What the? Mmmm! Woo hoo!

Hockey game Saturday night, and we lost. Petr Prucha got hurt in the 1st period and the Coyotes got pissed. There were more fights than I've seen in Hockey in a long, long time. And.. the Refs really let them go much longer than usual. Not sure how that works - why sometimes they break up the fights right away and other times they let the players really go at it. We lost 0:3, it was sad. We had a good time, even so.
What the?
Yesterday we found a pink post-it on my car that said "Te Amo". John brought it in, he was like - Did you leave this on your car? Um, why would I leave a note to myself? No, I didn't leave it. Then we get in his car, and there's a blue post-it on his windshield, passenger side, so I reach out through the window and grab it. In different ink and different handwriting, it says "I love you". Weird, right? Some kind of crazy valentine's fairies making the rounds I guess.
For Valentine's day I got chocolate! Mmmmm. Of course, I had to pretty much say "This is what you're going to get me" because my man does not know how to take hints. Nor does he plan ahead. As of Friday he had still not gotten me anything. But rather than say, "Hey, I want these chocolates!" myself, I had a couple friends email him and say, "You know what Amy wants? This is what she wants...", which made it a bit better. I have had his presents since Christmas, but I didn't give them to him yet! Aiee! I'm a bad girl. We were tired once we got home last night and then I had Sophie on my lap and didn't want to move. He didn't make a fuss, so I stayed comfy and he'll get his presents today.
I also got a Sprinkles cupcake, talk about Mmmmm! Banana with chocolate frosting. Oh yeah, so freakin' good. The Banana is my favorite, of the few I've tried. I know they're known for their Red Velvet, which is very good, but I really love the Banana. And I never had it with chocolate frosting before, so that was really a treat. So, so, so very good!
Woo hoo!
Monday we celebrated Valentine's Day, only we call it Lovers Day. Just because. We don't celebrate the Hallmark Holiday, but just celebrate that we love each other. Which we can celebrate any day, doesn't have to be February 14. We slept late, had brunch at La Grande Orange where we took Sophie along and she got to sit outside with us and people watch, and try some bacon. Yes, she loved the bacon. No surprise there. Then we went home and I napped briefly, and only briefly because our friends picked us up at 3:30 to go on our Balloon Ride! Yes, we all got a Groupon deal for Hot Air Expeditions and so we went with our two friends and had an amazing evening balloon ride over the desert, followed by hors d'oervres and champagne. There were more people than just us, and 3 bottles of champagne, but we probably drank about 1.5 at least, just between the 4 of us. It was a good time, and pitch black in the desert by the time we wrapped up. The moon was just a sliver over the Western mountains, it was gorgeous. My camera battery had failed by then so I didn't get a picture of that, but I did get lots of pictures while in the air.
I still have to get the pics off my camera, but I will be adding a photo to this entry once I've done that, so if you're seeing it without a photo, be sure to check back later.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Happy Black Friday!
Heck if I know.
I hope this embedding thing works.
Edit; It did not work. Huh, you know, I think I have to be in the HTML editing function. If you see a JibJab card below that you can view, then it worked. :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Stuffy Nose

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Winter Coat
Confession time. The socks were a necessity because I haven't shaved my legs in, well, a long time. I sometimes joke that its my winter coat. Shameful I know, but I'm just a wild Bohemian at heart. My armpits aren't shaved either. Oo! Scandalous!
Don't judge me.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Well J is in a super crabby mood. Gotta love it. I'm just trying to stay out of his way. I hate when he's like this. He's short-tempered, throwing stuff around, slamming doors... I asked if there was anything I could help him with and he said "I don't know."
Earlier he was moving stuff around on the patio in preparation for the painters tomorrow (our HOA has been repainting all the buildings, tomorrow its our turn) and he says to me something like, "Where should I put everything?" I honestly thought it was a rhetorical question so I didn't answer. So he asked me again (and mind you, he didn't ask where I thought he should put stuff, just where he should put stuff - like I know and should instruct him). I told him I didn't really know, but were supposed to get it all away from the walls.
He grumbles and goes outside, slamming the doors and swearing a blue streak. (And again just now). So I go out there, see if I can help. He's bringing the outdoor cushions indoors and I say, "Those should be fine, they're outdoor cushions." He argues with me and I say, Whatever, I'm just trying to help. He's being all pissy and I ask why he's mad and he starts yelling that he's irritated and trying to clear off the patio and I'm in his way asking questions.
At this point, clearly I can do nothing right, so now I'm shutting up and venting on my blog. Jerk.
Frakkin shrimp toast.