Friday, April 9, 2010

Today I joined Calorie King

Today I signed up for and am now a Member. Or customer, or whatever you'd call it. My weight is out of control. I like to blame it on the cancer, but that was over 5 years ago now, kind of hard to keep doing that. Now, in my defense, the cancer really kicked my ass. That part is true. And the oncology nurses told me it'd probably be at least a year (after finishing treatment) before I would feel "normal" again, and that's about right. I don't think I had much energy at all until around the end of the year 2005. But it's now 2010 and I still carry all the weight I gained while I was sick, and then some.

My sister has been counting her calories manually using the Calorie King online database, but not as a member of Calorie King, and she's also been working out using the Nintendo Wii, and she's lost 15 lbs or so. I'm terribly jealous, and it's motivated me to start doing the same. Though I don't have a Nintendo Wii, I do have a Tivo now and maybe Netflix has exercise videos I can watch instantly. I'll have to check that out.

So time to stop blaming cancer and to start moving on. I think I'm ready. Having Sophie, our dog, has been a real blessing. I walk her every day, and while our morning and evening walks tend to be short, our afternoon walks are long, usually 30 minutes. Unfortunately a lot of that time is spent with her sniffing and peeing on things, so it's not 30 straight minutes of walking but I'm working on that. The point is, I've been much more active since we adopted her, and it's been great. I feel stronger and more "in shape" than I have in a long time. It's a good feeling.

I recently bought some hiking boots, so that we can go hiking on the weekends. I haven't done it yet, but soon. I think Sophie would love to check out Camelback Mountain. And if we don't make it all the way to the top, so what? One day we will, if we keep trying.

I'm not going to tell you my weight though. Just know it's much higher than you would ever guess, and I carry it well so I don't look my weight. Part of that is the lymphedema I'm sure, all that fluid. But even so, I need to lose like 100 lbs. Yeah, that much. Crazy, right? It's so daunting, I think it's part of the reason I have had so much trouble starting. I can barely wrap my brain around the fact that I need to lose so much weight! It's seems like an impossible goal.

The thing is, it's not impossible and I just need to remember that. So Day 1 on Calorie King. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl! I know, it's hard - a friend and I have been chatting about our struggles as well and one thing she does is spends Sunday night cutting up all the veggies for the week. She has her calories counted and meals planned the day before so it's easier to track. I don't make the best on-the-fly decisions or when I'm stressed at the end of the day BUT if I've already got a plan in place, it's easier to avoid the drive-thru. I've done good a few weeks in a row, but find if I don't get it in on Sunday - I fall off the wagon pretty easy without a plan. Hang in there!!
