Friday, June 18, 2010

Under Pressure

Do do do do do do do.... I've got the Queen / David Bowie song running through my head now. I may have to find it online and play it, just to get rid of it. Do do do do do do do. Do do do do do do do. Pressure!

I'm starting my fundraising for El Tour and I actually already have about $500 raised. It's not showing on my page yet because it's being moved from my previous event, PF Chang's, and from my Coyotes Hockey "challenge" page that I was using until the Stanley Cup was won by the Blackhawks (Yay! Congrats Blackhawks!) but it will be there soon!

My minimum is only around $1200 because I'm a Survivor / Honored Patient, but I've set my own goal at $2,000. So if you know any wealthy people looking to make a donation to a good cause, send them my way please!

I'm happy to take donations of any size though, large or small. I think the minimum the site allows for is $5.00 and hey - that's $5.00 more than I had before. I have something like 170 friends on Facebook. Can you imagine how cool it would be if each of them donated $5.00 to me? It'll never happen, but it'd be cool if it did! That would be... what? $850!! That's what!

Yeah, that would be cool. But even though I always put it out there, most people don't donate. Even the ones that say they will. And I'm always like - Really? $5.00? You don't have $5.00 you can spare to fight cancer?

Oh well. Story of my life since I got sick. Raising money is hard. I hope the cycle training is easier.

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