I found my 1st gray hair last night. !!!
My hairdresser, Kelly (owner of the fabulous Motorhead salon) once teased me about a gray hair. He said something about finding one and I said; "Oh! My first gray hair!" and he said; "I didn't say it was your first..."
Oh yes, he's hilarious. ;)
It was funny, and yet I didn't actually see it, nor have I ever seen any, but last night while bending over the sink, brushing my teeth before bed, there it was. Shiny like none of my other hair was, reflecting the light in an almost sparkly way. It took me a few minutes to separate it out from the rest of the hair surrounding it, but I finally managed it and plucked the little bastard right out.
I actually didn't pluck it out of vanity, but out of curiosity. I wanted to see it up close, get a good look at it, maybe save it. Whether it's my first actual gray hair doesn't matter, it's the first one I've ever found or seen on my head, therefore it's being dubbed The First Gray Hair. I put it in a little Tupperware cup because it was very late at night and I didn't know what else to do with it at the time. I guess I'll have to tape it in my diary or something, or put it away in a little box, save it for a rainy day when I might want to pull it out and admire my first ever gray hair.
It's strange, this milestone. My first gray hair. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm still processing. In the meantime, I need to make a long overdue appointment with Kelly to get my hair colored. Not because of the gray, but because I prefer to be a Redhead. ;)
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