Going out with Rhonda tonight, haven't been out in what seems like weeks, and haven't been out with a friend in forever. I've been a bit of a recluse again. Not sure why or how that happens, it just does. I seem to go for long periods where I only work and maybe see my family, and that's it. I don't much talk with people and I don't go out. And yet I always seem so busy... How is that possible?
I'm glad to be getting out of the house and looking forward to some social time. I'm leaving the husband home tonight, hopefully he won't mind too much.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Down with the sickness
It's a song, but it's also how I feel today - Down with the sickness! Interpreted both ways as in; Down with you, virus! I hate you! And also, I am down because I'm still sick.
Now I'm so much better than I was over the weekend and Monday, when I called out sick for work (I can't say Stayed Home because I work from home, so I'm home already whether I'm sick or not), but I still feel sick. Just not as sick.
I know I'm not drinking enough fluids today, so that's not helping any. Pretty soon it'll be time to take Sophie for her daily lunchtime walk and that's going to be miserable, as it has been all week. At least the weather is nice, hopefully I can soak in some sun without feeling overheated. It's already in the 80's here, which while nice, is really hot if you stand in the sun. I think the temp difference between shade and sun here must be 10 degrees easily.
I digress though. I was commenting on this crappy virus that has me feeling so... well, crappy. On the bright side, I've probably lost a few pounds this week because I've not been eating much. I'm too full from swallowing my own sick mucus to want to eat much, and none of it tastes right so what's the point? And yes, I said it - swallowing mucus! We all do it when we're sick, it's disgusting, and I hate it, but it's the truth. I don't even think we are conscious we're doing it, but when you sniffle your nose and swallow, where do you think it goes, hmmmm? Yeah.. blow your nose next time. lol!
I blow my nose constantly, have probably gone through an entire box of Puffs Plus this week (which I use exclusively because the lotion really does help) but it doesn't matter, I still get the post-nasal drip and have the constant swallowing, as a result, so I know there's still plenty of mucus going into my gut and it makes me feel nauseated. Ugh. Not to mention the phlegm from coughing. At least that's slowed down some. Good thing too as I was beginning to worry I might have to go to Urgent Care for a breathing treatment or something. I sound sort of like Darth Vader when I breathe. "Luke.... I am your Father! Bring me my asthma inhaler."
I am being such a whiner. But only because it's been like a week now that I've been dealing with this crap. 3 days is my limit. Ok, maybe 5 days. 1 day to come down with it, 3 days to be sick, 1 day to get over it. That's my normal sick schedule. This is really got me irritated. It's been 8 days now and I'm so over it!
:: wheeze:: "The force is with you young Skywalker... but you are not a Jedi yet." :: wheeze::
Now I'm so much better than I was over the weekend and Monday, when I called out sick for work (I can't say Stayed Home because I work from home, so I'm home already whether I'm sick or not), but I still feel sick. Just not as sick.
I know I'm not drinking enough fluids today, so that's not helping any. Pretty soon it'll be time to take Sophie for her daily lunchtime walk and that's going to be miserable, as it has been all week. At least the weather is nice, hopefully I can soak in some sun without feeling overheated. It's already in the 80's here, which while nice, is really hot if you stand in the sun. I think the temp difference between shade and sun here must be 10 degrees easily.
I digress though. I was commenting on this crappy virus that has me feeling so... well, crappy. On the bright side, I've probably lost a few pounds this week because I've not been eating much. I'm too full from swallowing my own sick mucus to want to eat much, and none of it tastes right so what's the point? And yes, I said it - swallowing mucus! We all do it when we're sick, it's disgusting, and I hate it, but it's the truth. I don't even think we are conscious we're doing it, but when you sniffle your nose and swallow, where do you think it goes, hmmmm? Yeah.. blow your nose next time. lol!
I blow my nose constantly, have probably gone through an entire box of Puffs Plus this week (which I use exclusively because the lotion really does help) but it doesn't matter, I still get the post-nasal drip and have the constant swallowing, as a result, so I know there's still plenty of mucus going into my gut and it makes me feel nauseated. Ugh. Not to mention the phlegm from coughing. At least that's slowed down some. Good thing too as I was beginning to worry I might have to go to Urgent Care for a breathing treatment or something. I sound sort of like Darth Vader when I breathe. "Luke.... I am your Father! Bring me my asthma inhaler."
I am being such a whiner. But only because it's been like a week now that I've been dealing with this crap. 3 days is my limit. Ok, maybe 5 days. 1 day to come down with it, 3 days to be sick, 1 day to get over it. That's my normal sick schedule. This is really got me irritated. It's been 8 days now and I'm so over it!
:: wheeze:: "The force is with you young Skywalker... but you are not a Jedi yet." :: wheeze::
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Girl Formerly Known as Sick
Ugh, I was so sick this weekend. There is this nasty bug going around and I was lucky enough to get it. I'm a very lucky girl... lucky girl... lucky girl. Oh wait, that was a snippet from Stepford Children I think.
I really felt miserable on Sunday. I lay on the couch all day, reading and watching TV, my back aching, my joints aching, my head all stuffed up, and a racking cough that made all those aching symptoms worse every time. Monday I woke up and said to myself; I am not getting up for work, I'm going back to bed. I called my boss to let her know I'd be out sick and she told me she also had caught the nasty bug and would be out as well. I then slept until about 1:30 in the afternoon. I believe that was 15 hours of sleep.
And all that time that I was in bed Monday morning, I was both sweating and chilled. I couldn't take the blanket off because I felt like I'd freeze to death and my bones would shatter from the shivering, but underneath the blanket the sheets were soaked. It was disgusting. We actually had to change the sheets because it was so bad.
When I woke up at 1:30 or so, I finally felt a little normal. No more sweating and chills at least. I was able to make my way downstairs where I set myself up on the couch again and settled in for the day. I still ached all over and walked around like I was some sort of geriatric with degenerative bone disease. Had someone happened to see me through the window, I'm certain they would have thought to themselves; Oh, that poor old lady!
Today is so much better. Still had some sweating this a.m. I guess my body doesn't feel like it's purged quite enough yet, but that fortunately has stopped now. My head still hurts a bit but I think it's dehydration. I'm trying to get in those necessary fluids but when I don't feel well, it's difficult. I know, I know - I'm doing it, ok? Sheesh.
Here's the moral - Don't get sick.
I really felt miserable on Sunday. I lay on the couch all day, reading and watching TV, my back aching, my joints aching, my head all stuffed up, and a racking cough that made all those aching symptoms worse every time. Monday I woke up and said to myself; I am not getting up for work, I'm going back to bed. I called my boss to let her know I'd be out sick and she told me she also had caught the nasty bug and would be out as well. I then slept until about 1:30 in the afternoon. I believe that was 15 hours of sleep.
And all that time that I was in bed Monday morning, I was both sweating and chilled. I couldn't take the blanket off because I felt like I'd freeze to death and my bones would shatter from the shivering, but underneath the blanket the sheets were soaked. It was disgusting. We actually had to change the sheets because it was so bad.
When I woke up at 1:30 or so, I finally felt a little normal. No more sweating and chills at least. I was able to make my way downstairs where I set myself up on the couch again and settled in for the day. I still ached all over and walked around like I was some sort of geriatric with degenerative bone disease. Had someone happened to see me through the window, I'm certain they would have thought to themselves; Oh, that poor old lady!
Today is so much better. Still had some sweating this a.m. I guess my body doesn't feel like it's purged quite enough yet, but that fortunately has stopped now. My head still hurts a bit but I think it's dehydration. I'm trying to get in those necessary fluids but when I don't feel well, it's difficult. I know, I know - I'm doing it, ok? Sheesh.
Here's the moral - Don't get sick.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Crabby Boy
My husband is so crabby tonight that we had a fight because I was trying not to have a fight. There was a subject I tried to avoid so we wouldn't fight and he kept pushing it. Then said things like "so now we shouldn't talk about anything we disagee about?"
The subject was vitamins. We had a difference of opinion and I knew I wasn't going to convince him nor him me, so I said Whatever, let's just not talk about it, I'm done. And he got all pissed at me, said he didn't like how I cut him off. I explained I was just trying to avoid a fight and he's all combative - Why do you think it would have been a fight? And it was just downhill from there.
How is it that my trying to not fight turns into a fight? He then had me arguing vitamins with him and he told me I sounded totally ignorant. Nice, huh? It was not fun and we've barely spoken all night. Lovely. Just what I wanted for my Friday night.
Taking care of our parents

I chose a stormy image for today's post because I'm feeling a bit stormy.
I was talking to a friend and it seems that many of us (and by us, I mean those in my generation) are now getting to the age of role reversal, where we become the caretakers of our parents. And that made me sad.
My dad was in the ER again last night for extremely high blood pressure. He and my mom live with my sister, so she was able to convince him to go to the ER, even though he really, really didn't want to. She's great with him, I'm not sure I could have done as well. I would have probably been mean about it, gotten frustrated. She's such a great nuturer, she's absolutely the caregiver type and I'm absolutely not. My mom jokes that they can always depend on me... to pay for the nursing home. And that's probably true.
Then again, none of us really know what we're capable of until we're in a situation where we have to push ourselves and our boundaries. Right? But I hope I never have to, in this case. The thought scares me. Thankfully my sister is willing and able, so it all works out.
My dad was not admitted last night, and was sent home around 3:30 a.m. I haven't heard anything new since I was told he was being looked at in the ER, but hope to get some news once my parents have had time to get some much needed sleep. I'm sure it'll just be that they got his blood pressure down and let him go. As to why it was up, we already know.
My dad has a small artery in his brain that is occluded. It's caused many small strokes (TIA's) throughout the last 15 or so years, the first was in Wisconsin around '98 I think. I forget the exact year. I don't think I even really understood what was happening then. I know I was at the house and they called 911, and I left. I was visiting from Arizona I think, and had to fly back the next day. I think I was selfishly spending time with my boyfriend that weekend, and had no idea that what was happening to my dad was potentially so serious.
Fortunately it wasn't too serious - he was ok, very little damage done. But since then he's had many other TIAs (transient ischemic attack, if you want to look it up) and has had to deal with the decline of his body a bit, as a result. He's had issues with his eye, his foot and leg, other things. But nothing debilitating. Then about 4 weeks ago he had a full on stroke. He wouldn't go to the hospital because he didn't have insurance. Last year he had a double bypass and was on the state provided insurance but they dropped him after about 9 months. Then the stroke happened, and once he did go to the hospital and was admitted, he was back on it again.
He's such a stubborn man. Even after that, having a stroke, he still didn't want to go to the hospital last night. It took about 3 hours to convince him, apparently. My sister said he was mad, but not really mad at her, just mad at the situation. I think he's depressed. He's on so many meds right now, I don't know if he's on one for mood but I think he should be.
So at least he's home though now, and resting. Or I assume he's resting. I'll probably go over there later tonight after work. I always feel better after I see for myself how he's doing.
I'm not ready to lose either of my parents. I don't even like thinking about the possibility.
Monday, March 8, 2010
By mid-February, I've already missed my January goal...
My January goal was to blog a little every day, and I've already muffed that up. Ha! My last post was February something, and now it's March 8th. But I'll keep trying!
So let's see, what's been going on?
John got a "new" car recently! It's a lovely '05 Honday CR-V with 4-wheel drive, moon roof, 6 disk CD player... It's very nice. I say "new" in parens because it's a used car, but new to us. We got a really good deal on it, we think, and he totally loves it. We want to get rid of his old, crappy Isuzu Rodeo now, but we're not sure what to do with it. I'd like to sell it and make a little money but I'm not sure anyone will buy it. I guess we could try posting it on Craigslist and some other sites. We'll see.
I got my old car! Yay for me! My lease was up this year and I could either a) Trade in my car and get a new one, either buy or lease again, b) Buy the car I was leasing, c) Turn it in and say - I'm done, you have it, and then get something else to drive.
Well option a) was out because dealers were only willing to give me like $6,000 or so on my trade and I owed $7700. Nope, no thanks, don't want to be upside-down on a car. Option c) wasn't a great option either, as to do so we'd have to pay some sort of turn-in fee of $400 or so, plus a charge for the number of miles I was over on the lease. I wasn't very much over, about 300 miles or so. Even so, to pay these fees and then still be out a car, and have to work out buying something else wasn't a very good option at all. So it was b) - buy the damn thing.
And buying it actually worked out very much in our favor. Even though the dealers would only give me $6,000 or so as a Trade, it's actually worth about $10,000. If I bought it on a lot that's about what I'd pay for it, maybe more. So to buy it for $7700 is pretty awesome. I'm not upside-down on a car loan! Hooray! And in addition, I feel good about the financing. My original lease was with Wells Fargo who gave me a quote to buy it and sent me ppwk, but when I went to go to a branch to sign the ppwk and get it notarized, the person there who was the notary didn't even acknowledge me. The other staff did, but she didn't. She was helping someone, but he kept making calls on his cell. Apparently he couldn't seem to get some loan he was applying for and she was giving him the numbers and addresses even of the 3 big credit report companies, and he was asking her all sorts of weird questions and telling her his life story, and it was like - seriously? This guy can't get approved and is going to sit at your desk to try to talk his way out of a bad credit score, when I'm sitting there waiting for 20 minutes just wanting to sign some paperwork so that I can pay you money on a loan I'm already approved for, and you can't even acknowledge me? Frakkin (Bleep!).
So I called our Credit Union, who had agreed to finance us for the CR-V (but we actually went with a different lender) and asked if they'd finance the Honda Civic lease buy-out instead, and we got a lower interest rate with them by 3/4 of a percent! So suck it Wells Fargo branch on (approx) 32nd & Camelback!
Yeah. That's my story.
So let's see, what's been going on?
John got a "new" car recently! It's a lovely '05 Honday CR-V with 4-wheel drive, moon roof, 6 disk CD player... It's very nice. I say "new" in parens because it's a used car, but new to us. We got a really good deal on it, we think, and he totally loves it. We want to get rid of his old, crappy Isuzu Rodeo now, but we're not sure what to do with it. I'd like to sell it and make a little money but I'm not sure anyone will buy it. I guess we could try posting it on Craigslist and some other sites. We'll see.
I got my old car! Yay for me! My lease was up this year and I could either a) Trade in my car and get a new one, either buy or lease again, b) Buy the car I was leasing, c) Turn it in and say - I'm done, you have it, and then get something else to drive.
Well option a) was out because dealers were only willing to give me like $6,000 or so on my trade and I owed $7700. Nope, no thanks, don't want to be upside-down on a car. Option c) wasn't a great option either, as to do so we'd have to pay some sort of turn-in fee of $400 or so, plus a charge for the number of miles I was over on the lease. I wasn't very much over, about 300 miles or so. Even so, to pay these fees and then still be out a car, and have to work out buying something else wasn't a very good option at all. So it was b) - buy the damn thing.
And buying it actually worked out very much in our favor. Even though the dealers would only give me $6,000 or so as a Trade, it's actually worth about $10,000. If I bought it on a lot that's about what I'd pay for it, maybe more. So to buy it for $7700 is pretty awesome. I'm not upside-down on a car loan! Hooray! And in addition, I feel good about the financing. My original lease was with Wells Fargo who gave me a quote to buy it and sent me ppwk, but when I went to go to a branch to sign the ppwk and get it notarized, the person there who was the notary didn't even acknowledge me. The other staff did, but she didn't. She was helping someone, but he kept making calls on his cell. Apparently he couldn't seem to get some loan he was applying for and she was giving him the numbers and addresses even of the 3 big credit report companies, and he was asking her all sorts of weird questions and telling her his life story, and it was like - seriously? This guy can't get approved and is going to sit at your desk to try to talk his way out of a bad credit score, when I'm sitting there waiting for 20 minutes just wanting to sign some paperwork so that I can pay you money on a loan I'm already approved for, and you can't even acknowledge me? Frakkin (Bleep!).
So I called our Credit Union, who had agreed to finance us for the CR-V (but we actually went with a different lender) and asked if they'd finance the Honda Civic lease buy-out instead, and we got a lower interest rate with them by 3/4 of a percent! So suck it Wells Fargo branch on (approx) 32nd & Camelback!
Yeah. That's my story.
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