Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Girl Formerly Known as Sick

Ugh, I was so sick this weekend. There is this nasty bug going around and I was lucky enough to get it. I'm a very lucky girl... lucky girl... lucky girl. Oh wait, that was a snippet from Stepford Children I think.

I really felt miserable on Sunday. I lay on the couch all day, reading and watching TV, my back aching, my joints aching, my head all stuffed up, and a racking cough that made all those aching symptoms worse every time. Monday I woke up and said to myself; I am not getting up for work, I'm going back to bed. I called my boss to let her know I'd be out sick and she told me she also had caught the nasty bug and would be out as well. I then slept until about 1:30 in the afternoon. I believe that was 15 hours of sleep.

And all that time that I was in bed Monday morning, I was both sweating and chilled. I couldn't take the blanket off because I felt like I'd freeze to death and my bones would shatter from the shivering, but underneath the blanket the sheets were soaked. It was disgusting. We actually had to change the sheets because it was so bad.

When I woke up at 1:30 or so, I finally felt a little normal. No more sweating and chills at least. I was able to make my way downstairs where I set myself up on the couch again and settled in for the day. I still ached all over and walked around like I was some sort of geriatric with degenerative bone disease. Had someone happened to see me through the window, I'm certain they would have thought to themselves; Oh, that poor old lady!

Today is so much better. Still had some sweating this a.m. I guess my body doesn't feel like it's purged quite enough yet, but that fortunately has stopped now. My head still hurts a bit but I think it's dehydration. I'm trying to get in those necessary fluids but when I don't feel well, it's difficult. I know, I know - I'm doing it, ok? Sheesh.

Here's the moral - Don't get sick.

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