Monday, July 30, 2012

There is movement!

I can't believe I haven't posted since November of last year. That's nuts. Especially with all that's been happening. I guess part of it was I thought I was going to start a new blog, but since I couldn't think of a clever title or web address I never got to actually creating it and in the meantime, life went on. There have been huge milestones and lesser huge ones, and all sorts of stuff between that didn't get recorded.

I resolve to fix that, starting today. If I feel like posting, then I will and I won't wait for the "better" blog I wanted to start. This one works just fine.

The big news is I'm pregnant. Today's big news is I've finally felt movement! Most women can feel the baby moving around between 18-22 weeks, and everyone kept asking me if I could feel her (it's a girl, btw) and I'd say, "No, not really." Dejected. Now I'm 23 weeks and as of my last ultrasound, last week, I still wasn't feeling her. Not really. I felt something, sometimes, that usually turned out to be gas. Yeah, lots of gas stirring around in this big, ol' pregnant belly.

At my ultrasound the tech asked me if I felt her moving yet and I gave her the same answer, and then she told me that my placenta was actually in the front, between the baby and I, and that lots of other women with the same deal have reported the same lack of movement. It's not me! I'm not defective! It's just the stupid placenta is in the way! That was a big relief. I felt a lot better after that.

The tech did say that I should start feeling her anytime now, and she was right. Last night - boy did I feel her. It started when I was working my PT job, between about 5-8 pm. I was sitting forward at my desk, making the space in my belly a little smaller I expect, and I could feel her thumping me behind my belly button. I was like - Woah! Hello!

Later, when watching True Blood on HBO, resting in my chair with my feet up and my hand on my belly, she was totally thumping me. Great big thumps I could feel from the outside with my hand! That was a surprise, I guess I wasn't expecting to feel that just yet; internal movement sure, but from the outside? And it was all of a sudden, like one day nothing and the next - boom! And very welcome, I will add.

When I went to bed I told J to put his hand on my belly to feel her, and of course she chose that moment to stop moving so he didn't get to feel it at all. Next time when she's going at it like crazy I won't wait, I'll make him come over and feel her because WOW.

So do babies sleep in the womb at this age? I wonder. I'll have to look it up in my book, or online. I would think so.. but I don't know how much they're aware in there at 23 weeks, or if they're aware at all. It's a strange thing to consider. I know she can hear sounds now, and see light, but just wonder how much she's actually Aware.

16 weeks and 2 days to go...